The Joys (and chore) of Writing

I love to write (or on this platform, type.)

I have kept journals going onto three decades now. Free flow thoughts are easily put on paper.

But when it comes to project writing, I can't self-motivate. When I look at my brand new, shiny Submissive Journal, I don't know what to say to it.

When I started this journey, potential Dominants required me to write, but they provided the fodder. Give examples of duties I would enjoy performing? No problem. What rituals would I find grounding? I can do that.

This year, I have accomplished what I have called, "Tribute Writing." As a recent student of Mental BDSM, a great deal of time was spent communicating with a Dominant; to the point where I was so deep in his mentality I could write scenarios that would appease his desires. I have been given permission to post my scenarios.

But try to come up with a scenario/project on my own? I can't even decide if I need to include a disclaimer or not before posting the tributes to Him.


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