Dear Future Dominant

 I await your presence with patience and anticipation. I am your blank canvas on which you and I will be able to create our perfect dynamic. All I ask is that you bring these traits to our world:

A Sense of Intention:
I want our dynamic to be successful. I am willing to put in the effort and energy toward that goal. Please be willing as well.

I am eager, and often enthusiastic. I may not absorb certain concepts immediately and will need clarification often. I am inquisitive; there may be no rhyme or reason to my questions. Answering them with sincerity will make me feel comfortable and secure.

Practically everything around me fascinates me. My mind houses a plethora of useless information. Plus I love to read. That means I enjoy conversations that engages my brain. Being able to carry on a conversation that flows organically will facilitate the building of respect and trust.

I have habits and quirks; they may not be the same as yours. They are part of my being and might be immutable. I will accept and cherish yours if you grant me the same.

I have a big and generous heart which is often given to people who take advantage, resulting in disappointment. This often leads to my moodiness. Please be gentle with me and help me process through my emotions; the trust built will improve our dynamic immensely.

We all have our hobbies. We all have ideas and goals, big and small. They may not be similar. Showing support toward my personal growth and improvement will fuel my enthusiasm to return that same support to you.

We are human; we have faults and feelings. Please don’t hide these from me. I want to be of service to the entire person. That includes being able to help you process through your obstacles as well.

Being your genuine self with me helps me understand and process how best to serve you. Choosing to omit or alter what you present to me will make me feel as if I’m not worthy to have you. I will also feel as if I am failing you in my service. Also, I am a woman with her Sun in Cancer. I will find out anyway, so save us from having the discussion as to why I should trust you while the dishonesty is present.

A Sense of Humor:
I can be goofy, and often witty and sarcastic. Being able to laugh brings a positive vibe to our dynamic. It will also serve to create the bond needed to cultivate trust and respect.

A Sense of Creativity:
I am one of those females who uses a butter knife for everything but cutting and spreading butter. Being able to think outside the box will help keep our dynamic fresh and interesting.

An Open Mind:
I value and appreciate diversity. I hold the belief that the existence of others does not need to be subjected to any judgments, let alone mine. Not everything I encounter throughout my life does not need to be labelled. Please don’t insist that I place rank or form opinions on concepts. If you choose to do so, it will serve as a reminder to me that I cannot converse as openly as I would like.

I know this seems like a lot. I can assure you it is not. I can guarantee you that I am worth it.

*originally posted April 29, 2019 on Fetlife


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